A writing year in review 2010#writing #new years resolutions #goal

Happy New Year World (2010)

As the year 2010 comes to a close many people will likely review the last fifty two weeks of their lives. We will evaluate the good  the bad , and the ugly aspect of our lives this year. I like many people I know made new years resolutions, some of them I kept and some slid through my fingers into the lake of forgetfulness.

I did not lose the fifty pounds I had planned so I could shop at Victoria Secret and buy more than just some lip gloss. So that resolution will go back to the top of my 2011 list. Nor did I write five new pages everyday, but I did write something every week. I participated in and won my second Nanowrimo event although I wasn’t successful in keeping up with the Writer’s Digest Poetic Asides April or November poem a day challenge.

On a positive note I have written two complete manuscripts and have two partials manuscripts in the works. I know I promised here on this blog that I would submit a piece of writing each week. Yeah that was a big fail as well. I attribute that to my fear of rejection letters.

Even with all the negatives (did not completes) ,I will still look back on the year 2010 as a success. With the help of my wonderful husband I started this blog and have had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing many wonderful authors who have shared their stories of trials and triumphs with me. Their stories give me hope that one day I too shall see my name in print. So below is my new list of 2011 New Years resolutions:

1. Lose 50 pounds ( eat less, exercise more)

2. Write something everyday.

3. Submit a poem, short story or article at least once a month.

4. Try to be a better wife, mother, friend, daughter and nurse.

5. I will continue to introduce you to some fabulous authors and their books.(Hopefully soon the book will be one of mine.)

These are Lexi’s goals for 2011. What are some of yours?

1 Comment

Filed under African American Authors, fiction, Lexi Flint, nonfiction, poetry, Random Thoughts, writing

One response to “A writing year in review 2010#writing #new years resolutions #goal

  1. laradunning

    Sounds like good goals to me Lexi! New Years is an exciting time of year. Even though it is not techincally a new start, it sure feels like one.

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