
My name is Lexi Flint. I am a wife to William and mom to six beautiful children ages 3 to 17. I first began writing in a journal as a child which gradually evolved to poetry, short stories, screenplays and now novels. I love reading and writing great fiction. This blog, I hope will be used to introduce the public to other aspiring authors like myself. Sometimes I may dish out some random thoughts regarding health care since I am a nurse and respiratory therapist as well. The main focus, however is writing. I love writing. In fact this blog was going to be called Lexi loves writing, however I wanted to focus on the primary goal of books and the authors who create them. I hope you enjoy this website as much as I do.

8 responses to “About

  1. Lexi,

    I just started a WordPress website myself and am stumbling through the process. I actually came across a post of yours on the WD community website.

    I read in your bio that you are into healthcare services. I am a public health professional myself (program planning/eval/admin) and most of my writing is infused with healthcare themes. Like you said, sometimes those “random thoughts regarding heath care” just pop out when least expected!

    I’m excited to follow your website and your blog. You have such talent!

    Keep writing!!



  2. Christy Winston

    You go girl I’m loving this. This has prove to me what I have thought all alone about you and that is you are very smart and talented. Keep up the good work you will go along way and reach height you never thought you could.

    • Christy, thank you for taking time to visit Lexi’s Authour Alcove. I really enjoy reading and writing great fiction. Maybe one day I will make money at it and can retire from the Garden. LOL! Love ya Lexi

  3. Lexi, I saw your post on VBIAM and decided to check out your blog. I am really impressed with your author interviews, and am looking forward to seeing your own work as well. Your site is awesome!

    I have a book out in e-book (.pdf) form and it’s coming out in paperback eventually from Chipmunkapublishing. You can check it out at my website http://www.juliegreene.name or http://juliemadblogger.wordpress.com. It is a memoir called This Hunger Is Secret: My Journeys Through Mental Illness and Wellness.

    • Thank you for visiting my site. I will take a look at your blog. As a nurse I often encounter pt with mental illness and feel as a professional severly undertrained in that area. I look forward to learning from your experiences.

  4. Thanks! You will find most of the information, excerpts from the book, and general bio at my http://www.juliegreene.name site. The blog site is mostly for up-to-date happenings about me. This Hunger Is Secret was originally my master’s thesis. I hold an MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College. Thanks for checking it out!

  5. Hi Lexi:

    I am a new author that has just finished her first book, The next STeps: Desire, Deception and Deliverance which is available at http://www.createspace.com/3454983. What are the procedures for you to preview my book?

    Thanks,, Anna L. Bryant

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